About Me

Ivor Greymantle is a U.S.-based financial analyst specializing in multi-lateral institutions, banking, and U.S. state and local governments with 24 years of experience. Prior to that time, he worked in public relations, film production, and for a non-profit focused on providing free medical information to the public.

Ivor Greymantle is a pen name chosen for anonymity, given that the author’s profession involves providing opinions on the intersection of finance and politics that are the legal property of his employer. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, the author’s personal views are provided here under an assumed name.

Mr. Greymantle holds master’s degree in economics and management from New York University and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania. He has served as a board member for two non-profits based in New York and New Jersey.

What I do


My professional occupation focuses on research into U.S. state and local government finances, demographics and the U.S. economy. In my view, the financial condition of most U.S. state and local governments is underrated.


Written journalism is the medium through which I absorb most news about the world. Television is mere entertainment. My favorite non-fiction authors are Eric Hoffer, Francis Fukuyama, Philip Rieff, and Christoper Lasch.


My hobbies involve reading, physical exercise including weight lifting, walking, swimming and hiking, and the practice of transcendental meditation. Next to my family, music is my chief pleasure. I own more than 2,000 albums on vinyl or CD.

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